
Frogs + Snails + Puppy-Dog's Tails

Today is my son's Birthday!
 {this "all boy" room post is in his honor}

In addition to celebrating today,
I'm also guest posting about my ideal vacation home
over at Odi et Amo.

I hope you'll stop by to check it out!

Images via:  DesireToInspire;ApartementTherapy;ElleDecor;
PeppermintBliss; SerenaandLily;


  1. Anonymous5/31/2010

    Happy birthday to your son! Thanks so much for these fab images, I'm currently looking for ideas for my son's room. I have a couple of other images I want to put up on my blog soon and one main question I'm battling with at the moment is: a normal bed or a 'higher' bunkbed type thing (like in the 6th photo but for one bed only)?

  2. Happy Birthday to your son, dear! Boys tend to love the colour blue. I do like the last image, though. The yellow chair is a nice surprise amongst all that blue:-)

  3. i Loove that room with the yellow striped ceiling! I'm definitely book marking this for future reference :)

  4. I LOVE every single room that you have on here!

    I have a dream cottage all built in my head and now I am decorating it with a few of these rooms. Ha Ha
    Happy Birthday to your son!!!
    Have a wonderful day,

  5. My youngest son celebrates his birthday today as well, so I'm definitely liking the boys'rooms theme. I hope your son has a fun day.

  6. Happy Birthday to your son
    I love when stripes are used in children's rooms. I am a little intimidated by stripes in my own home, but I think they are perfect for a child's room.
    Have a lovely day!

  7. Happy birthday, son of ZUSH! What a wonderful day today! The sun is shining and it's a day off!!!! How great is that?! Hope you have a blast!
    These rooms are awsome and I am sure you have a stylish room just like that!


  8. Happy Birthday to your son, and I don't know which one I like the best.....{drum roll, please} I love the 9th/or the 3rd from the bottom.

  9. Anonymous5/31/2010

    such charming children's lairs! love it! delightful blue accents!



  10. ....and happy birth-day to you!

  11. I've got childrens' rooms on my mind at the moment....so this is a welcome post. Lots of great inspiration. But, more important....Happy Birthday to your son!

  12. Anonymous5/31/2010

    so so cute interior designs! hope i get a boy someday, too! hehe

  13. Oooh, the first image stole my heart! To cute!!
    Hope your week is off to a great start. xx

  14. Happy Birthday to you son! Love all these cute little boy rooms!

  15. Happy b-day to your boy and boys in the house!

  16. Happy Birthday to your son! What a fun post...all the rooms are so unique and I can’t choose the one I love...they all are so cute!
    Kisses and enjoy your day!
    I am off to check your guest post!

  17. What a fun post, happy birthday to your son!

  18. Happy Birthday to your little guy! Thanks for these inspiration photos. I need to update my 5-year-old son's room a bit so it doesn't look so babyish. These are just what I needed! Our first order of business is selling his train table to our neighbors and getting him a big boy desk for when he does all those tough kindergarten assignments. I'm off to scour Craigslist now.

  19. oh i hope he has a sensational b-day!! i have two boys - i feel right at home with these rooms. gorgeous images! julesx

  20. so wonderful! love the vibe in the first space.

    xo Alison

  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son.
    A great post as usual. Lovely rooms

  22. Love the sixth and seventh room pictures so cool! Tell your son Happy Birthday for me!

  23. Great rooms, Sue! Love the yellow and white striped wall! Happy Birthday to your son, I'm off to say hi to your guest post!

  24. Happy, Happy Birthday to your son! I hope you all have a great day. I'm off to check out your guest blog post.

  25. I love the bold colors and excessive use of stripes. I would totally love to live in a room like that. How fun! Happy birthday to your son!

  26. Happy Birthday to your son!! My twins turn 10 tomorrow..can't believe it!! Loving all the fabulous rooms!!

  27. I love that bed that's built into the wall. How cozy!


  28. they are all so creative! one day i shall attempt to be as creative as this :)

  29. Hey !! happy happy birthday to your cutie...your rooms inspired me redo my sweeties room:) have a fun week

  30. Birthday greetings to your little guy! Great post - I've always loved the idea of built-in wall beds- what little boy wouldn't love them?! Hope you've had a lovely weekend! : )

  31. these are awesome sue, of course!! It's not easy to make a boys bedroom fun, but not totally juvenile and cheesy! these are great examples! I hope you and your son have a great day today, tell him that "mommy's internet friends say Happy Birthday!!! "........

  32. yay for birthdays!! happy birthday to your son!

  33. Perfect post for your son's birthday! I love all of those rooms, especially to first one.


  34. What a cute post. Happy birthday to your son! Hope it's the best one yet! xx

  35. These are amazing images... I love the all white room.
    Happy Birthday to your wee boy!

  36. Happy Birthday to Little Zhush! Today is also my grandfather's birthday....many years gone, but not forgotten. With two Grandboys, this will be good reference material....bookmarked!

  37. happy birthday to your sweet boy! love all these boy rooms, alas i have only been blessed with 2 sweet girls.

    thanks for passing by my blog so that i could find yours!

    your newest follower!

  38. Happy birthday!!! Lovely post. These are some of my favorite boy rooms.


  39. Happy birthday, the Zhush's boy! May you grow up with your mother's good taste and energy.

  40. My son's Bday was the 29th!! Happy Bday little boy Zush. Love all of these rooms. I got a kick out to the Pez despensers on top of the chair rail in the one room, pretty cute, Happy Bday and Memorial Day,Kathysue, Thanks for the visit to my blog it is always so nice to see you on my turf,Kathysue

  41. Inspiring! I especially love the bunk beds. Hope you (and your son) have a great day!!

  42. Happy Birthday little man! Adore the stone coloured panel bedroom...just about to embark on new rooms for the children, so many ideas in my head, thanks for the inspiration.

  43. What cute boys' rooms. I have two girls and never had the pleasure of decorating for one, but I have done plenty of boys' rooms for business and they are fun to do. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Hippy Birdie young man ;-) Hope you have a great day, lots of fun, friends and cake. Oops, sorry, I forgot this is your mum's blog...ahh well, more comments for her next time ;-) Carole from London x

  45. Happy Birthday to your little guy! I "heart" all those images ---- so, so, great!!!!!! Double celebrations, eh?! xo

  46. Happy birthday to your son! And as for the boy rooms, I would for sure live in any of them despite the fact that I'm a girl... They're gorgeous!
    xxoo Josie

  47. Happy Birthday to your son! I hope he has had a wonderful day :)

  48. Happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday WIIIILLD BOY... Happy Birthday to you! ... And Congratulations to fabulous Mum! xxx

  49. I hope your son has a very happy birthday! Love your honorary post to him... I so wish my bedroom had been as ultra-chic when I was a kid!

  50. Anonymous5/31/2010

    Happy birthday to you son! Those rooms are so cool love the bunks in the first picture. I am off to check out your guest post! xo

  51. i love these kids rooms...

    my favorite thing when i was little was to decorate (and redecorate) my rooms..yes plural as the one upside to divorced parents was two bedrooms!!!!

    among my themes were jungle safari, some hideous cheap floral pattern, CASPER the friendly ghost, and Winny the Poo :-D

    glad to see kids these days have much chicer options!!! love those bunk beds

    xoxo Bardot in Blue

  52. Oh happy birthday to the little guy! Love these rooms!

  53. those twin head boards are nice and hermes-y. i love them!

  54. Fabulous choices! I especially love the blue and white stripes in the second picture.

    I hope your son had a wonderful birthday!!

  55. Happy Birthday to your little one - what great boy rooms, thanks for sharing!

  56. Love all the boy rooms you picked out. Fun and bright and cheerful! My oldest had his birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday to your son!

  57. I am loving the stripes and the blues! Absolutely gorgeous I tell you what. Happy b day to your son!


  58. I love the room in the first photo. Sleepover fun for 4 kids but a enough separation that everyone get some sleep.

  59. Awww Happy Birthday to your son! :) Birthdays are so much fun. I also all these photos. Such great inspiration.

    xx Love & Aloha

  60. Happy Belated Birthday to your son!!! What awesome photos... Thanks for sharing. : )
    Health and happiness,

  61. Amethyst jeans are great! Now you can LIKE them too! Check them out on Facebook!

  62. Happy belated birthday little boy! You picked one great Mom!

    Sue, you have no idea how inspirational this is to me! I am just about to give Prince William's room a makeover - I have all the ingredients that I need in this post! Thank you!!!

    ox, Mon

  63. I hope little "Z" had the best day ever!!!

  64. Happy Birthday to the wee one! Loves all these rooms...what great inspirations! If I am having a boy I'll know where to look! :) xo

  65. Your son and I share a birthday! He must be extra special and a gemini to boot. Hope he had a great birthday. PS...Love all the room pics.

  66. How did I miss this?! Happy belated birthday to your son. Thank you for this. I need some boy room help!


Got something to share? Would love to hear it. I read every single comment:)