
Obsession du Jour: Isabel Bigelow

Back in January, 2008, Isabel Bigelow 
was featured as an emerging artist in Elle Decor.

{blue willow}

It was in this issue (which I still have today) that
Ms. Bigelow's work first showed up on my radar.
I have been a big fan 
of this talented artist's work ever since.

"Of late, Bigelow has been focusing on trees, 
exploring shadow and light and what she calls "the spaces
in between."  She's especially fond of willows, with their 
chandelier like hairdos."
                                               ~ Elle Decor January, 2008


{yellow tree}

{tangled willow}

{California poppies}

{blue + gold fall}

{lone willow}

{falling green + gray}

{clouds + willows}

Just recently,
while perusing the amazing portfolio of
Phoebe Howard,
I came across this beautiful interior.

Don't you love when that happens?

Images via:  GoogleImages;SearsPeytonGallery 
                      and PhoebeHoward


  1. I really do...The yellow trees would look amazing in a living room:)
    Hope you had a fun weekend:)
    Kisses and enjoy your day!

  2. I like the naive quality which is visible in Bigelow's artworks. She captures nature in an artistic way. The tangled willow is lovely. Reminds me of African Braids. Happy Monday!;-)

  3. I DO, I DO! It is really magic when you hold something in your heart and then it appears to you again, somewhere else : ) I am in awe of artists like Phoebe who can make us see nature in almost a graphic way that also enhances a feature like the willow's branches. Lovely! Hugs & xx's P&H

  4. Anonymous5/24/2010

    I love the fall design ~ no surprise seeing as it' my favorite season ~ if only it would last year round! Hope you had fun catching up w/ your college friends! xo

  5. Gorgeous! I must see what I can find about this artist. I love when THIS happens...introductions to new and fabulous artists and their work!

  6. A definite possibility for over your fireplace? Isabel's work is as unusual as it is beautiful!

  7. gorgeous pieces Zush! love the cloud + willow. and the blue/citrus green piece that is in the magazine article is a colour combo i love big time.

  8. ummm, let me see I like the tangled willow and the lone willow...I wonder is there another willow? For a Triptych

  9. Very chinoiserie-esque. Don't you think? Sorry I have been gone for so long... Took some time off to visit with family.

  10. As an artist, my goal is to work on larger works, and free myself up a bit.
    I am always inspired by other artists whose work has a born-free quality.
    As a love of trees and botany, I would love one of these hanging on my wall.

  11. Her work is beautiful. Thanks.

  12. California Poppies is my fave-Do you own any of her work?

    Have a good week sweetie!

  13. i love the lone willow. beautiful.

  14. ooh, the clouds & willows. beautiful.

  15. Just love her work. Now, to go study her art. Really! Talk soon.

  16. Her art is gorgeous! So talented!

  17. Oh, the willows are so pretty!

  18. Hey there. Cool post. So amazing. Hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for your comment on my latest post. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  19. loven' the "yellow tree"

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  20. Such beautiful work. I especially like the cloud and willow piece.

  21. pretty + magical...something about it reminds me of the old style Disney animation films that I love so much, like maybe one could be a (high art) version of a Cinderella still

  22. The yellow tree and clouds and willows are especially pretty. I hadn't heard of her before, so thanks for posting!

  23. i like the retro vibe of this artist.

  24. I do love when love happens. By chance....random question, do you love the movie, Love Actually?!

    Any hooooo --- I love the yellow poppy painting. Something about yellow this week!


  25. so beautiful! i agree, there is such emotion and character in willow trees, for some reason, they always turn my head, they always stop me. i love your quiet sitting space in the last photo too. really beautiful. :) happy monday!

  26. I love just about all genres of artwork. I have seen her work before and now seeing it on your blog is like your experience visiting the design website!

  27. very unusual and I love the colours. thanks

  28. whenever I doodle I always draw trees, seems her adn I share a love! haha

  29. It's so awesome when that happens! I love her work. Really wishing I had the California Poppies :)

    Hope you had a great weekend. Did you come on into the city?

  30. What a lovely, refreshing artist! I adore the clean lines and strong colors!

    Happy new week to you :)

  31. Definitely refreshing. We can all use some refreshment on a Monday!

  32. I can see why you are so taken with her work. I love when artist can see something in an object like a tree that the average can not see until they bring it to our attention. The willows are amazing and I see them in a whole new light. Now as far as Phoebe Howard , she is my design idle. I love everything she does, Perfection must be her middle name. Kathysue

  33. I love how you share things. Everything is a perfectly weaved story.

    I just read that you were an attorney. That's awesome! What kind of law? Do you miss it?

  34. I remember seeing her work featured in Elle. Trees as muse - love it!

  35. LOVE it when that happens! Beautiful images here ... Good luck on the giveaway!

  36. I just loove her artwork! It is so beautiful! Love all the willow trees...and the California poppies! Thanks for sharing this :)

  37. I really like the last one with the clouds. SO pretty!

  38. Wow these are really great! I love the yellow tree! Thanks for sharing my dear. xoxo

  39. Love the poppies! Very cool pieces.

  40. Love it! This work is perfect for the bedroom. I love how soft her work is.

    :) Marcie

  41. Love the yellow tree, and falling green and gray! Gorgeous stuff here, Sue! How was your big weekend in NYC? Did ya'll get all SATC and stuff?!

  42. I love when trees (and leaves and birds) are used in art or depicted in art. Those pictures are especially lovely. And now, thanks to you, she is on my radar as well.
    Great post!

  43. very simple and very beautiful!

  44. Oh, my gosh, these trees are GORGEOUS -- she's so talented!
    xxoo Josie

  45. thenextarrow5/24/2010

    gorgeous colors + patterns. thanks for sharing!

    xo Alison

  46. Love these trees! What great artwork! Nothing comes to your attention without reason...


  47. Her work is so very appealing...the fact that you recognize it...just may mean you need one!!!

  48. I remember that article! And that blue cloud + willow painting is GORGEOUS. exactly the kind of painting I'd love in my own home.

  49. Such cool artwork, love it!

  50. yes... it seems that once something is on your radar you keep bumping into it!

  51. I particularly like "California Poppies"... but then, I might be biased...

  52. How Gorgeous!! I love the batik piece, really peaceful art.

  53. the willow! the poppies!!!

  54. Really sensitve, delicate art. The yellow poppies are my fav! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  55. What amazing art! I have a BIG thing for trees and love the Willows!
    Am feeling just a weepy and blue as the first pic today.. The rain is pouring down and both kidlets are home sick from daycare and school... Big breath iiiiin.. I am exaggerating in a pile of self-pity of course, but I am missing the sun and tweets of happy little birds.

    Hope you are well dearest.

    x Charlotta

  56. I love the California poppies :)

  57. I love her work and I adore weeping willows - it brings back fond memories of the huge willow outside of own of my apartments years ago - it was my favourite thing about living there! : )

  58. I do too, great designs... simple but adds magic to the space :)

  59. The last photo is wonders! The interior is lovely and I would definitely love to have a canvas of the fallen green and grey!

  60. Beautiful artwork, I've just popped over from "little augury" and am glad to have found your blog. Love from London x

  61. I never saw her work. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Loveit. xx

  62. wow, i seriously love these.

  63. Oh Sue! Thank you for bringing her and her work to my attention. I love art, as you know. And how can I not adore "She's especially fond of willows, with their chandelier like hairdos". Awwww! I have a soul mate!

    Love to you.


  64. I do love the Japanese touch of these designs. Beautiful!


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