
Six Degrees of {Design} Separation

This renovated apartment 
Home Section, caught my eye 
for a number of reasons...
It's a "Six Degrees of Separation" thing.

The New York Times is the First Degree of separation.

Posting it here, is the Second Degree.


The homeowners are the parents 
of one of the founding editors of the now defunct,
Domino magazine. 
I loved Domino, that's the Third Degree.

The owner, a retired oral surgeon,
removed my wisdom teeth when I was sixteen.
Fourth Degree.

This condo is located in my home town
of Suffern, New York.
I grew up in Suffern. 
Fifth Degree.

The renovated condo is located in the 
same senior's complex/retirement community
where my parents currently reside today.
Sixth Degree.

Six degrees of separation can be an interesting social experiment.

What I've learned:

1.  One of the founding editors of Domino magazine 
and I, grew up in the same town...I had no idea.

2.  The oral surgeon that removed my wisdom teeth,
way back when, is quite design savvy...who knew?
{I wish I could remember his office!}

3.  The New York Times has "jumped the snark!"

Design is about individual taste.  
I'm a strong believer in finding elements 
from different styles to create 
comfortable and unique spaces.

Unlike the couple featured in this article, 
many of the other occupants of this 
development were drawn to more traditional elements, 
well executed throughout the complex - 
high ceilings with crown moldings, 
and a generous and flowing floor plan.  
While I am personally a fan of this minimalist gut and redo job, 
not everyone, wants to feel like they have permanently
checked into a hotel in Stockholm.

I don't know why the New York Times felt the need
to use such pejorative terms when describing
the rest of the units and its occupants. 
Style has never been about tearing down, 
its about building up!

A generation that has been dubbed "The Greatest Generation",
lives here in this development, this 
"very American senior complex"
one that survived the Depression and 
many other hardships and takes great pride 
in their lovely homes.

Way to respect your readership New York Times...
no wonder your subscription rates are dwindling.


  1. Wow, I can't believe they wrote that, it sounds so brash. Very interesting post, and crazy about the degrees...and cool :)

  2. I enjoyed your story. It's funny what a small place the world can sometimes be. Sounds like the writer put a whole lot of opinion in their story. Something the news seems to so too much of!

  3. loved the post - just wanted to add that i SO beilieve in '6 degree's of seperation' - when it comes to meeting "new" people or reaquainting with old - i'm always saying "NO WAY, GET OUT!" .. i KNEW this universe had us all connected somehow! - haha (ok i just made up that last part, but sounded good)

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  4. Isn't that the editor soon to be helming Veranda?

    P.S. My parents would never let me do something that cool to their place.

  5. I think the lesson here.....is that we are all connected (by varying degrees of separation) and that off hand remarks, however intended, can sometimes be offensive. It pays to be kind. xo Elizabeth

  6. really enjoyed reading this post!! it's a small world indeed!


  7. I am not surprised that someone living in a seniors oriented complex would go for design this clean and modern - after all, look at the decor that they probably had while starting their own households - the cleaner, more contemporary decor of the 50s and 60s. It's funny how so many people associate ultra traditional with old. That will be changing, and this is just the beginning!

    Great post. I am going to read the article now. Love the small world component!

  8. I so agree with Elizabeth - you never know who knows whom or how people are connected so it's best to follow my mother's wise counsel that if you don't have something nice to say about someone, don't say it! I'll be surprised if that architect gets any referrals from the piece...

  9. Great renovation and well said with regards to your view on how the article was written. It's amazing how we are all connected in one way or another, and most times we don't even know it!

  10. Sue,
    You have a fabulous way with words, both is your description of the home it featured, as well as your way of telling the newspaper your mind. You are my kind of gal...no wonder we clicked when we met. Can't wait for our next get together. You are the best!

  11. I am one degree of separation, as I used to play field hockey against Holy Child in Suffern. Thanks for your visit to my post, and your link. I love your blog!

  12. Very creative and interesting post!

  13. What a clean, bright, and lovely apartment. I would have never guessed that it was a retirement home or that seniors lived there. Some food for thought with this post for sure!

  14. Give it to them! You need to write a letter- bad journalism is no bueno.

  15. Wonderful post! Thanks!

  16. Great post and beautiful photos.


  17. I absolutely love how you traced the degrees of separation. How cool is that! Happy Tuesday!

  18. Great post and I love those barstools!

  19. Get Them!

    Style has never been about tearing down,
    its about building up.

    That is so true-

    I wish you could remember your OS' office too.

  20. They really wrote that?...Wow...That is such an interesting article:)
    Btw: That dining area is amazing:)
    Kisses, darling

  21. Great post! stylin' OS - figures, even your oral surgeon has style! But I totally agree with you on the Times.

  22. Amazing that that went to print--- I just love hearing about the degree's of separation, funny how it is so true.

    Great story.

  23. Sue You are the cleverest and the best! I was thinking the other day, how many lawyers have design blogs? I'll bet you know at least six. One of the founders? of Domino is the new editor of Veranda. Do you think that will change the magazines direction? (Sunset used to be a magazine for old folks, like Arizona Highways.) Anything is possible. Ann

  24. Great post! I love the six degrees of separation...always intriguing. As for the NY Times, you nailed them.

  25. you totally nailed it! great post. keep up the great work :)

    ps. check out www.twogirlsonecloset.blogspot.com, we're new:)

  26. i love the design! that is so crazy and interesting the diff degrees of separation!

  27. Love the sleek and modern loook!


  28. It really is a small world, isn't it?

  29. What a fantastic post. WTH is wrong w/the Times?

    Your 6 degrees is pretty interesting though...

    I absolutely love that coffee table in the first photo, and I'm ready to get out a sharpie and write all over the wall in my kitchen. Okay, it probably wouldn't look anywhere near as fantastic.

    This was a great post. Quite possibly my fave of the day.

    ps-did you enter for the ebelskiver?

  30. It's a small world. Really enjoyed the read. :) xo

  31. Great read and loved your commentary...what the heck? And, I totally agree on the whole 6 degrees theory. Joni over at Cote de Texas posted the interior of a home not long back and I KNEW I'd been in it many years ago.....turns out I was right.....my parents' designer had gutted and remodeled a house and I was through it when visiting from college and she wanted to show my mom and me around....it isn't hers anymore but what a small world!

  32. As someone who has now entered middle age (egads!), I applaud you. I think there are many people of a certain age who have style!
    I also agree with you, snark is never necessary!


  33. I think your oral surgeon has great taste! I haven't read the NYT article, but agree they don't need to be snark.


  34. i completely agree about everyone having their own sense of style! really interesting post!

  35. when i saw this in the Times, I was very impressed. And it helps that the daughter works for Veranda and that the couple has a god collection of furniture pieces.

  36. ME-ow, NYT! Kinda makes me want to go into the oral surgery business, though! XO!

  37. Holy guacamole that is amazing! and way cool! I cannot believe you put all that together. I need to start paying attention! haha

  38. Great post and you are so right!!!

  39. Did you say you used to work as a defense lawyer? (: Go get them!

    And you pick good oral surgeons! Mine was a complete bore.

    Hugs to you,


  40. I can't believe they really said that... Did love your six degrees!
    xo Josie

  41. Wow, it really is a small world isn't it? Crazy. And as for the NY Times, if they don't have anything nice to say they shouldn't say anything at all!!

  42. Great appartement. My parents appartement is a little bit like this one. My mum is all for design. Senior citizens just aren't so senior anymore.Great post. XX

  43. great post zushie. it seems to me that when a publication sets themself up as a barometer of style, they need to be able to produce the goods to cash in the cheques.

    not so sure they can claim to do that!


  44. It is such a small world, great post!

  45. Sigh. It is indeed a very small world! But in other news I do love that wall with what looks like a bunch of handwriting. So gorg! I would love that in my own home one day :) Hope you are well my beautiful friend! xo

  46. I love the whole concept of six degrees of separation! That was a fabulous post, I really enjoyed it! :) Hazel

  47. I'm going to add the 7th degree and say I read your post, therefore I too can be connected :) I love personalized and interesting tidbits!

  48. I love it, we are all connected in some way, at least that what I think and your six degrees proves no less.

  49. Really small world, beautiful condo. And well said about the NYT, so snotty to say that.

  50. I meant the Times was snotty, not you. I just read what I typed and wanted to clarify. It's been a long week! xoxo

  51. What an interesting story!!! All of it! I think there is probably a six degrees in so many things in the world but the fact that you found this one is amazing. I bet 2 of your wisdom teeth probably paid for some of these great light fixtures and such.... Hahahahahhahahahha


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