
Wednesday Wants

I've fallen hard for these wear with everything golden wedges!  A Lily Pulitzer, perennial classic, these shoes are equally as perfect with white jeans as they are with summer dresses.  Comfort and chic in one cute summer sandal~a total want on this Wednesday morning for me!
Image via: Zappos


  1. Anonymous4/18/2012

    I own the gold bamboo ring version of these from a couple of years ago...They are great! A very walkable height and go with many things. I'm glad I saw your post, it reminded me to wear them.

  2. OMG - I have been looking for something EXACTLY like this since my gold stand by's died a lingering death last year - ordering now - thank you Sue!!

  3. yes, you need those. a lot.

  4. I just got those for my graduation!!!

  5. I got those a couple of summers ago, and I really do wear them everywhere.


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