
Powering On

The power is still on over here! Thanks for all your good wishes and helpful tips yesterday. As of now, it's not even raining yet. Gray skies and very blustery, if it wasn't for the endless updates on the storm, all of us home in our pajamas would feel quite cozy today...but of course there is an impending sense of doom that's hard to ignore.  So as long as the power and internet are still up and running, I'm hoping to distract myself with these sexy, glossy interiors by the stylish, Mar Silver. A local talent and recent discovery for me. The amount of amazing designers here in my little neck of the woods is somewhat astounding.  Sleek, bold and oh so sexy, a little something to spice up your Monday! Be sure to check out the rest of Mar's amazing portfolio.


  1. Fabulous! Will make the hop over to see more. Getting in as much as I can before the power goes...

  2. Take care, Sue! Hope you and your family stay safe, dry and warm. XO

  3. stay safe! and dry! Simple and chic. Wonderful design.

  4. Love these, they look like they could be straight out of a Bond movie. We're weathering the storm here in the city, so we will be thinking of you!

  5. Stunning rooms! Great post, stay safe and dry!
    Sending good wishes,
    Jamie Herzlinger

  6. Be safe, my friend!

    (Also, doesn't wall-to-wall carpet seem fresh again?)

  7. I love hearing about new talent. Stay safe! - Brandy

  8. that photograph is insane in this first pic!

  9. Stay safe! Praying for all of you.

  10. A tree fall into my parent's neighbor's yard and this formerly friendly neighbor, who they have helped out on a number of occasions, is making her own storm now.
    Sigh, stay safe and hope everything stays in one piece!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living


Got something to share? Would love to hear it. I read every single comment:)