
Random Chanel Item Number 147

This is not my pumpkin...and we are faaar from ready for Halloween over here at chez zhush...thank goodness it's the weekend. Between costume finding and candy buying, I'm hoping to squeeze in some much needed down time. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving...talk about scary! What's on your schedule for the weekend?
Have a great one!
Image via: YoungMuseMe


  1. This should be your pumpkin on your porch! Perfect!

  2. What, that pumpkin would be right at home at chez Zhush! Love it.
    Good luck with preparing for all the trick-or-treaters.

  3. Talk about a designer holiday! That Chanel pumpkin kicks it up to a whole new level. Have fun getting you Halloween ready.

  4. That's the most elegant pumpkin I've ever seen - what a great idea! Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Halloween xo

  5. Anonymous10/27/2012

    It's funny how you never seem to run out of endless Chanel random items! Wow, don't worry, Halloween might be delayed due to hurricane - I'm guessing you are probably in it's path too? Stay safe, Sue! xo


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