
It's All In The Details (part 3 of 4)

After the success of last week's post, (where I added a big bright bunch of Forsythia branches along with a vase from Target's Threshold collection to our front entry) I decided to bring some more spring flowers into our home. I instantly fell for the clean lines and design of these Threshold Stoneware Pitchers at Target, and knew they would make a great addition to my collection of white stoneware. These pitchers worked beautifully in my dining room, and along with some fresh tulips, made a lovely spring vignette.  Once the flowers started to wilt, I decided to move the pitchers into the master bath, where they sit now.  I'd been looking to add to an existing collection in this room, and I think these two pieces fit the space perfectly.  Since I tend to move things around a lot, I love to find home decor accents that work in a variety of different ways and settings, just like these pitchers do.

This post is brought to you by Target. Expect More Pay Less.


  1. Anonymous4/02/2013

    Beautiful wallpaper. Will you share the source, please?

  2. Need to get to Target and buy some pieces from their Threshold line for my clients. Stylish and affordable. love it! Agree with above comment too -- love the wallpaper.

  3. Gorgeous! I'm running out to Target!

    xo Jen

  4. Need to get to Target

  5. More and more I'm seeing your stylist side coming out!! Have a great weekend in the Big Apple -- whatever you are celebrating!! :)

    xoxo Elizabeth


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