
Wednesday Wants

This past Mother's Day I received a very cool and thoughtful gift from my family, the UP bracelet by Jawbone. It's one of those things that I didn't know I needed, but now I'm obsessed!  Do you know about these hi-tech tracking/health devices? With the up bracelet, you put it on, download the app to your iPhone and then you can start tracking how much you move and how well you sleep, etc.  In the few days that I've owned this I've absolutely been motivated to move more, a lot more...which can only be a good thing. Now I'm hoping all this activity will translate into better quality sleep, something I need to work on, but how? What healthy obsessions are keeping you up?


  1. I have one that I got a few weeks ago and I love it! Have you joined a "team" with anyone? I've found that makes it extra motivating! Definitely recommend it! xo

  2. I have a BodyMedia from Jenny Craig and it helps soooooo much to keep you moving! Good luck!


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