
Minor Obsessions

Thanks so much for all the great feedback on our Family Circle feature!  The irony of this article, with it's focus on back to school organization is not lost on me...while I might still be in full laid back summer slacker mode, all three of my children got their grade assignments and class schedules in the mail this week.  I'm already starting to feel so anxious about getting everyone the right school supplies, locker decor and clothes never mind trying to figure out how, what and when their extra curricular activities will be.  Seriously, I know there are parents that love the whole back to school time of year...but, I tend to stress all the obligations and micro managing this brings. I blame my whole generation's over involved helicoptering parenting style...but that's another post for another day. In the meantime, whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I clean and organize things.  This weekend I plan on getting everyone's closet in shape and hitting up the Container Store in a big way.  These items (some of which we already own but just need more of) are at the top of my list. Wish me luck!


  1. Love those storage containers! I need to get my organizing going!!!


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