
Baker Ballard Interiors

A few weeks ago, I posted a link to a video of Alison Pringle's incredibly chic studio apartment. I must've watched that video a few dozen times, in an attempt to take in all the charming design details. This proved to be impossible. Then I had the brilliant idea of contacting Alison herself, to see if she would be willing to share some still images of her amazing apartment.

Not only is Alison super sweet, but she sent me these gorgeous photos, taken by Michael Graydon.
Now I can take my time and pore over each and every fabulous detail, and maybe even incorporate some of Alison's beautiful touches into my own (soon to be) new home. Thanks again Alison!


  1. Very pretty bedroom love the mix of styles here!

  2. Lovely post! Really enjoy the bamboo chairs and all the paterns ;)


  3. i'm sorry. i know a lot of people are over the ikat, but i just haven't tired of it yet. it's so versatile! love the huge doses of it in her home. great style!

  4. LOOOVE the blue and white pattern! It reminds me of delicate porcelain china!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Sayeh, The Office Stylist

  5. What a beautiful home Sue!
    Love the white and blue.

  6. Anonymous10/03/2014

    Very pretty. I really love this.


  7. Gorgeous! Classic chinoiserie freshly styled - I’m ready to move in. Did Alison tell you the name of the fabric?

  8. I have read and re-read that article so many times, pouring over every image. One of my very favorite profiles is quite some time.

  9. Alison's apartment is super dazzling! I love the predominantly cool hues and blues of the decor, as well as the fusion of classical and modern styles. Having the blue china plates serve as a centerpiece is a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing such lovely inspirations. I hope everyone is in the best of health this season!

    Myron Payne @ Finlay Brewer


Got something to share? Would love to hear it. I read every single comment:)