
Winter Beauty Survival Kit

one || two || three || four || five

It's been brutally cold here this week in the north east. When the weather gets this frigid and dry I need to supplement my beauty routine. And with my Birthday coming up next week, I'm feeling that need even more right now. Between freezing winds and hot forced air I'm starting to worry that I look all crinkly and pasty...but I'm doing my best to fight the good fight.

Here's the best of what I've found (and currently use) so far:

one: my pale winter face can use a little color, this subtle pink gloss (in la lip jolie) adds a little rosy touch. Having a gloss also helps me to remember to stop licking my lips (a terrible habit, especially in the winter months). two: I've just started with this facial "treatment essence" (whatever that means) after reading so many great reviews, it goes on almost like water, but my parched skin already feels better. three: Began using this cult favorite a few months ago and I'm honestly addicted to this amazing smelling all natural face oil. It's become a permanent addition to my nightly routine. four: I might have bought this balm because it looks so cute on my nightstand, but using it every night before bed I can honestly say that my poor chapped lips are so much better off. five: this light as air hairspray was recommended by my local salon as a great way to minimize static and fly away "winter hair" - spray a little on your hands and wipe on to ends. As a big fan of the whole Moroccan Oil line already, I'm loving this fabulous finish spray.  

68 more days until spring!

shop the winter survival kit here:

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