
Book Review: Bunny Williams On Garden Style

It's still so chilly and gray here in Connecticut.  Thankfully, I have the beautiful landscapes inside Bunny Williams' On Garden Style to inspire and energize my own outdoor scheming as we wait for warmer temps and physical signs of spring to actually arrive. I've really enjoyed poring over each page of this lovely tome, but the chapters devoted to outdoor furnishings and garden ornaments are particular favorites. The lush plantings and picture perfect patios have me so excited for sunnier days ahead, reason enough to get your hands on a copy of this super chic book.
PS: #greatMothersDaygiftidea

 *I received a free copy of On Garden Style  from the publisher, but this did not influence my opinions here, which are and always will be my own.


  1. So beautiful! I'm sure it's filled with tons of inspiration! Those photos are making me long for late spring, when everything is finally GREEN again!

  2. Funny, because here in Chicago the temperature is climbing rapidly which is causing a monsoon. Good for the gardens. I have to get this book for my coffee table.


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