
Divine Details: Home Librariies

Hello Zhush readers! It's Katy Byrne from DBK, back with another divine detail. This detail is rather large, but one thing I would love to include in our forever home is a library. My husband and I both love to read, and a library adds such a unique elegance to a home.

Library 2
Library 3
Library 5
Whether in a true study or even as a decor addition to a dining room, a library makes things a little more sophisticated. Be sure to visit my interior design blog, DBK! Thanks so much for having me, Sue. Always a pleasure.


  1. I love the idea of combining the library and dining room!
    Beautiful post, Sue.
    Happy Monday.

  2. I have always wanted a library in my house...especially with a ladder! I've never thought about combining the dining room and library before, but I really like the idea.

  3. I love libraries in homes...one can never have too many books! I would love one with a rolling ladder! Have a delightful week, Sue!! xoxo

  4. I agree with Teresa, the combo library ~ dining room is a great idea. So many inviting rooms, I like how they layered the guitars onto the walls.


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