
One Amazing Product To Add To Your Beauty Routine

I've been meaning to talk about an amazing product I discovered this summer - micellar water! Maybe you've already heard (and are using) this fantastic make up remover / face cleanser, but I hadn't heard of it until this summer, when I accidentally "discovered" it.

During our family trip to Italy last June, I'd left both my eye make up remover and my facial cleanser in our hotel bathroom in Venice. Since I'm fanatical about washing off my makeup every night before bed, I was determined to replace these products immediately. Luckily, there was a pharmacy still open right near our hotel in Florence. I explained to the pharmacist in broken Italian and English I was looking for a gentle make up remover and a face cleanser. He was so sweet and pointed me in the direction of this product, explaining it was the most popular cleanser-and I only needed the one -not two. It was priced great and I was sold! 

Later that evening I used the micellar water in the shower to wash off my makeup. It got all the mascara and other makeup right off. It was so gentle and worked so great! I couldn't believe how efficient this one bottle was. Of course, I used it the rest of the trip. After we returned home I quickly purchased a new bottle and did a little research.

Turns out this type of cleanser has been around for quite some time. More popular in Europe than here in the states...but quickly catching on as more and more beauty companies are coming out with their own. You can find micellar water at every price point, but I see no point in paying more. I'm sticking with the affordable version I first used in Italy. I still use my face cleanser - but my old eye make up remover has been permanently replaced.

Have you discovered any great beauty products recently?

PS: Five beauty products to try this winter.

*This post contains affiliate links.


  1. I used Bioderma for several years, and indeed it removes makeup very well. But I had an allergic reaction to something--my mascara? eyeliner? the Bioderma?--and my eyelids swelled up. My doctor had me switch to Avène, which is all natural, no additives or fragrances. Now I use their micellar lotion, which works great. I also use their makeup. No flare-ups since the switch.

  2. Sounds like a great discovery! Will definitely give it a try. Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  3. I purchased a bottle a few months ago and am embarrassed to say I haven't tried it yet but certainly will now! Did you use a face cloth with it?

    1. I don't, I actually use it in the shower to take off my eyemakeup, I splash it on like water:)

  4. I am obsessed with micellar water, after discovering it oh, say, 4 bottles ago. Loved reading your post echoing my sentiments. Great blog, thank you.

  5. I also use one product to get off makeup and wash my face. DHC Cleansing Oil - it's an olive oil. Everything comes right off and my face is nice and soft and not greasy in the least....

  6. I've tried the towelettes, made by Simple, when I travel and really like them. I should try liquid too!

  7. I've been using it for about six months and love it. I typically use Cetaphil to cleanse and then to a second sweep with this. It's great for eye makeup removal too!


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