
Six Years of Zhush-ing

My very first post was on October 29, 2009. Which means that today marks the SIX year blog anniversary for The Zhush. When I stop to think about all the wonderful things that have happened  as a direct result of starting this blog, it truly amazes me.

I jumped into blogging with no focus or vision or even the ability to upload photos or cut and paste. I just had a strong impulse to be a part of a very creative and inspiring community.  Through the years I've learned so much about design and styling, not to mention computers and photography. I like to think that I'm still learning, everyday.

Six years later, I'm much more deliberate with my posts. I have a clear yet simple intention - to be a daily source of design and style inspiration. I went back and looked through some of the most popular posts, in an effort to figure out where to take this site during the next six years. Here's what I found were the top five:

1. Can't Get Enough: Cozy Nooks

2. "Delicious Ambiguity"

3. One Room Challenge: Week Six - our kitchen reveal

4. A Neutral Retreat

5. Our New Home: House Tour

I could talk about the friends I've made from blogging, all the exciting press ops we've had, my shop and all things social media for hours... but instead, I'd like to hear more from YOU. What would you like to see more of here? I've never really asked this before, but I'm open to ideas and any questions that you might have. Thanks for a great six years! XX


  1. Sue, Wow, 6 years! Congratulations. I still remember calling you from the hospital when my son ( as sophomore to be in high school) was so ill and asking for more time to complete the artwork for you to gift to your friend. You were so incredibly kind and made me relax and focus on my priorities. That was before your blog in 2009. My son missed 27 days of school and still managed to get through it with tutors and home health aids. It was the scariest time of my life. So, I would love to hear about your wishes, your fears and even though I love your zhushing because it takes me away to a perfect life, I want to know that you have piles of laundry or that the cat threw up, or you had a wardrobe faux pas. Like the time my bra strap popped in a meeting or the business trip I was on, a tray of food landed on my new suit in Las Vegas. I was the only woman and just kept calm. How do you keep calm when life throws you a curve ball? When you lose a friend to cancer or you have an ill family member. I guess, I always admire those that can say the right things in times of crisis. How do you Zhush manage to always look and present the perfect room? I know you must have challenges too. That's what I want to know. You asked. Love you and keep me up at night, drooling over design and things that make my heart beat a little faster. xxoo pve

  2. Congratulations, Sue! You have been Zhush-ing twice as long as I have been "Shopping."
    Please know that I so appreciate your collection of stylish products, which are always a source for my own blog posts. I find daily inspiration from your newsletters and posts, as well. I can't wait to see more, more, and more Zhushing! Whose life doesn't need a little?

  3. Anonymous10/29/2015

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous10/29/2015

    CONGRATULATIONS Sue!!! I really enjoy reading your blog! Thank you for sharing inspiring us!

  5. Sue, congratulations! It seems like Patricia, we have known each other from the start!!
    I am not one to share a lot of my personal life; however I do love getting to know each other better when we live far apart. Of course I would love for you to visit occasionally! It means the world.

    The Arts by Karena

  6. Anonymous10/29/2015

    Congratulations !! Silvana - Brasil

  7. I read your blog for the first time about 3-4 years ago, and then somehow just stop reading blogs all together. But, I do like them best. I just can't get into Instagram or some of the other social media. I really appreciate the time and effort it takes to write these posts and gather beautiful pictures. Congrats Sue!


Got something to share? Would love to hear it. I read every single comment:)